January 20. Matthew 2
Pop quiz: How many Magi came to see the newborn Jesus?
“Three” was more than likely the first number that came to mind with images of a manger
and three “wise men” bearing gifts for Jesus. In fact, we don’t know how many made that
journey under the stars. We know it was more than one, but the number three probably
comes from the number of gifts that were brought; gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
These Magi are the first to refer to Jesus as the “King of the Jews”. Not those locally
born immersed in the Jewish faith but Gentiles. During the Babylonian captivity
Israel was lead out of their homeland, as slaves. A few young Jewish men were
chosen to serve King Nebuchadnezzar. We know that Daniel was one of those young
men and in fact, he rises through the ranks to become the ruler of the providence of
Babylon and in charge of the king’s wise men or Magi (Daniel 2:48-49).
Daniel would have added his faith to vast teachings and knowledge of these Magi as
we see in the title they give to Jesus, “King of the Jews” as seen in Jeremiah 23:5.
Combine that biblical knowledge with their understanding of the stars and you have
the perfect combination for a group of Gentiles to track down the Son of God on the
right night and the right place.
It’s amazing how God works, with his ability to foresee and string together
seemingly random events through time all to his will and glory. Every one of those
events led to one moment, Jesus on the cross.
Throughout your life, how has God led you to Jesus?