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Oct 14. John 5. Bruce Flowers

Do you want to get well?

In our current environment there is a vast emphasis on physical health. For the past few years as I age, physical health is increasingly becoming more important to me. I myself had to overcome a few health challenges recently despite exercising and being mindful of what I eat but then there is genetics and other factors. My doctor’s health advises have repeatedly been “diet and exercise”. Other health factors include social norms like discrimination, availability of resources like healthy food where you live, exposure to crime, social interactions, work environment, mass media, and climate change to name a few.

In my scripture reading of John 5, I see a multitude of people with health challenges gathered daily at the pool of Bethesda in hope of physical healing. Commentary mentions that it is not specified if God honored the release of their faith or if the healing at the pool of Bethesda is legend, regardless, the multitude of sick people believed this specific pool heals.

One day Jesus saw a lame man out of the multitude and questions him, he knew he had an infirmity for thirty-eight years and asked him “do you want to get well?” referenced in verse 6. It makes me think, what the man was waiting for? Many of the people who went to this pool of Bethesda had some belief that they would be healed miraculously. I think sometimes we are told or advised what to do to be spiritually healthy but other factors get in the way just like the multitude who did not look to Jesus. In verse 7, the lame man perhaps was waiting to be compelled or maybe wanting to have a feeling, maybe even waiting for a more suitable time or even wanting some sort of sign and wonder. 

Many years ago, I too was waiting after studying the bible but did not get baptized right away, worldliness was getting in the way of me realizing God is all I need. Even today when I think of struggles I must overcome, it begs the question, what am I doing to stay in shape and stay healthy spiritually? I must ask myself the same question Jesus asked the lame man, “do I want to get well” and realize the solution is the same today as it was then…Jesus!