February 25. Matthew 28. Danielle Beavers-Rose
Hope of the Resurrection
In Matthew 28, I think of how Mary Magdalene and the other women must have felt going to the tomb of Jesus that morning. They would have been thinking of the meals they ate together, how they walked the streets with him spreading the gospel, and even seeing the miracles he performed raising others from the dead. Now adding the memory of visiting their friend at his grave. I remember when my mom passed away. I was 8 years old and I went to her grave devastated. Even to this day I am flooded with emotions when I go to her grave.
We have all experienced death in some form (a parent, a relative, a friend, or a pet). Death hurts us to our core. When God created the universe, he said it was good and death being an end of creation was not good. Originally, we were not intended to die. Death came because of sin (Romans 5:12). However, today, we have been given a gift of hope in the Resurrection. A hope in this particular death. The death of Jesus. In Matthew 28:5-6, we see there is no need to fear death because Jesus has risen!
Why is the resurrection so important?
In 1 Corinthians 15:14 and 17, it says without the resurrection our faith is useless and we are still in our sins. But thanks be to God, Jesus took our place by dying for our sins. We deserved death and Jesus paid the penalty. So how do we know God accepted the payment? The resurrection is the proof of receipt. Jesus death wiped our slate clean (Romans 4:25-5:2). We are made righteous! We are made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22)! Christ led in this and we follow (1Corinthians 15:23). We will rise like him. Because of his resurrection, we have hope for our own resurrection.
Question to ponder:
How is your life reflecting your own Resurrection?
Because of this hope in the Resurrection, we can boldly fulfill the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations, knowing that Jesus is with us always.
Practical Application:
Journal how the resurrection has directly impacted your life.
Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving for the resurrection with another disciple.
Share YOUR resurrection story with someone you meet (coworker, waiter, grocery clerk, etc.)