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March 17. Acts 14. Elliot Giraud

Receiving or Rejecting God’s Word

Paul’s first missionary journey, accompanied by Barnabas and led by the Holy Spirit they set out to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. At Iconium they visited the synagogue where they hoped to bring the gospel to the Jews and Gentiles alike. Earlier in Pisidia they experienced much resistance and persecution by the Jews, this was Paul turning point where he decided to bring the gospel to the Gentiles, which to his surprise they received with much joy. The same holds true for us today in Matthew 28:16 “The Great Commission” Jesus commands us to preach the gospel to all nations, but Jesus doesn’t promise us that people will receive the gospel with joy. Many of us share our faith with family members, friends, co-workers and strangers, but sometimes these interactions do not go as planned and at times we are given the cold shoulder. But other times we are able to plant an everlasting seed that God is able to water and produces fruit. Though persecuted at times, Paul and Barnabas relied on the hope that Jesus can only bring. This blind faith is the same faith that we can experience today but only when we allow ourselves to be guided by the Spirit.  

Paul and Barnabas preached boldly about God’s grace and power, but some Jews decide to stir up trouble at Iconium. With hatred in their hearts, the mob planned to stone them, but God allowed them to escape and flee the area. Jesus does warn his disciples about persecution in Matthew 5:12, so how does that make you feel knowing that we will be persecuted because of the gospel? What is it about the gospel of Jesus that turns people against those who preach it? Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “God has set eternity in the human heart”, this means that we have something innate that draws us near to God. To seek him and to want to be with him in eternity, but for some, they cannot understand God’s eternal glory. So, they reject the idea that there is a God who cares for them and wants to have a relationship with them. They cannot fathom that God’s glory and wisdom are eternal and he wants us to be drawn to him. I believe that is it ignorance or their sinful nature that makes them reject God’s word.