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June 25. Mark 1. Juan Solorzano

The Messiah Revealed

Jesus had an effect on people. Mark 1 begins to tell the Jewish story of a Jewish Messiah who reached out to Jewish men to follow him. When he healed the sick, Jesus commanded them to not tell other about him, but to obey the Law of Moses of which they were still under. This was in fact, the end of the Old Covenant and the beginning of the New Covenant. Jesus was born Jewish, lived like a Jew, and taught to Jews. As I read the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, I am reminded that I am not a Jew, but a Gentile. And yet, it is interesting to see read this story from Jewish eyes, as the disciples were very much Jewish. This was God’s people, and Jesus preached and healed them first, fulfilling prophesy. 

    I am seeing how much God was keeping his promises to save his people from their sins. The miracles Jesus performed was not for show, or to get a free ticket, but those miracles were meant to reveal who Jesus was, full of compassion, and mercy, and the knowledge of God. Jesus was also on a mission, training his disciples from the very moment Jesus set eyes on them. At once they followed, and didn’t even pause or complain. If it were me Jesus was asking to follow him, I wonder if I would have hesitated? I don’t think I would, for those that followed Jesus everywhere had soft hearts, and they were in desperate need of someone to heal them and be there shepherd. Jesus set the example for us, he was baptized to fulfill all righteousness by John, who baptized for the repentance of sins. But Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit, and the forgiveness of sins. The very creator of the universe was here, on a mission to restore what was lost. Indeed, God’s love for us through his Son, Jesus, was about to be revealed for all.  

    Another thing I am seeing is how relatable and how relevant Jesus is to me personally. Jesus was fully human, and fully God. As a human, Jesus felt and experienced everything that I will ever experience. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, lived with animals, and overcame. Jesus felt, and had the full range of emotions that I have. Jesus was poor, and I have experienced poverty many times in life. But Jesus was rich with love for others, and was full of righteousness, and this too, will make me rich like Jesus. Jesus kept going, always working, and so Jesus sets another example for me in knowing that my work on earth is never done, but always needs pushing forward. Jesus had a full prayer life, and that’s something I also need to mimic. Jesus, while on earth, relied on God. So I too, need to rely on God. If Jesus needed the Father, and loved communing with the Father, then I too, should do the same. Our lives need to be filled with God, and Jesus is our ultimate example of how to do that.