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August 9. Romans 16. Mary Waltermire

All In

Paul was all in. Not only in his life, as the great missionary, but even more so in his heart, as seen in the closing remarks of his letter to the Romans. Phoebe, Prisca, Aquila, Epaenetus, Mary, Adronicus, Junia, and over 20 others including his mother! How did Paul know so many personally? I would imagine it is because he gave not only his life, but even more so, his heart. 

It's easy to just show up. It is safer to share just enough to be considered and not too much to be invested. I know I can feel the struggle and not want to give my whole heart or truly invest in each other. I fear. What if the investment isn't returned? What if I am the only one giving? If I give here, will I have enough for the other things I have to do? 

If I were to write letters to churches that I have been a part of, would I have specific names to mention? Would my heart have been so invested in others’ lives that the connection would continue long after I have left? This connection often comes through hardship, working things out, and walking with each other through difficult times. Without fully investing our hearts we will never encounter these opportunities and blessings, and we will be deprived, as well as deprive others of a depth of relationships that are eternal. 

Brothers and sisters have we been deceived by flattering lips? Perhaps the world has told us to make sure to take care of yourself first. To doubt first and trust later. To be careful of the time you give, lest you give too much. To be careful of who you give to. To serve and love only after your needs are taken care of. To not share my faith because I am too busy, and they do not look open anyway.  

So many lies tempt my ears every day. So much fear and doubt tempt my heart. Really the issue for me is trust. Do I trust in the good will, loving kindness, and favor (a.k.a. grace) of my God? Paul trusted in the promises of God through Jesus Christ, he trusted that his brothers and sisters would help him, and he trusted that if he gave all of himself, others would be strengthened. 

This is the closing of a letter that was addressing the reuniting of Gentile believers and Jewish believers in Rome. Paul was connected to all. Because of his heart and life investment, he was able to lead the churches back to Christ. He does not differentiate Gentile from Jew in his closing remarks because it is unimportant. He includes both men and women. He reminds us of what is most important. 

Verses 25-27 proclaim, JESUS IS ABLE… to establish you according to the gospel. All nations have the opportunity to know the knowledge that “obedience that comes from faith.” What a powerful partnership with the creator! When we give as Christ gave, also demonstrated by Paul, then we are able to contribute to the message of Jesus Christ; to God be the glory.

I'm all in!