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30 January: Exodus 16-17; John 20:1-31; Psalm 29

Exodus 16-17

  • Israel moves from waters of Marah (bitter) where they grumbled in bitterness against Moses and against the Lord. Then they move into the desert where they grumble against God (and Moses) because of food. God sends them quail in the evening and manna in the morning (except for the Sabbath). Their grumbling against leadership was in fact grumbling against God (v.8). 
  • God does all of this so that… "then you will know that I am the Lord your God." God wants this fact to be upfront, clear, and certain for His people. In what areas do I need to better see God?
  • We encounter the game-changing story of Moses striking the rock in chapter 17. It's not evident from Exodus account, but Moses goes well beyond what God commanded as he draws water from the rock for the people.
  • Finally, Joshua leads the Israelites in battle against the attacking Amalekites. If I were to share this triumph, would I focus on Joshua's heroism and strategy or on Moses' devotion (keeping his hands raised with the help of Aaron and Hur)? True victory came due to a devotion to the Lord. There's a great lesson for all us seeking victory for the gospel today.

John 20:1-31

  • He is risen! HE IS RISEN INDEED!
  • John was able to see and believe, despite insufficient understanding about the resurrection (see v. 8-9). 
  • The first witnesses (who did not even have witness authority in first century Palestinian court) to the resurrection were… women!
  • Thomas, isolated from the disciples, has the hardest time believing. "Stop doubting and believe." And so he does with the great proclamation "my Lord and my God!"
  • Here's the great purpose statement of John's gospel: "Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." The Holy Spirit captured and preserved these truths so that we might believe.

Psalm 29

  • I'm off by a day on the Psalms. 
  • I want to better learn to praise the Lord in prayer. The Psalmists (David in particular so far) gush with praise with such regularity and facility. 
  • I'll look for God behind typical physical events (sunshine, water cycle, snow drifts, ordered society, etc), and then praise Him!