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NT40 Convictions for John 17-21

1. About God. He desire reconciliation with us — even after our worst offenses. After Peter denies Jesus 3x (John 18), Jesus prepares a meal of reconciliation for Peter's reinstatement in John 21. Peter is given the opportunity to profess his love for Jesus 3x after his earlier 3x denial of him. Oftentimes, full reconciliation is painful, as Peter was hurt by the three questions about his love for Christ. It seems that Peter would have preferred to sweep it under the proverbial rug and move forward, but God is more thorough in restoring us to him. 

2. About NT Christianity. "I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of this world any more than I am of the world" John 17:14. That's as radical a description of holiness (set apart, consecrated) as we find for the NT disciples. Plus they were unified by Jesus' prayer (may they be one) - to such a degree that it was a sign to the world that "you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" John 17:23. 

3. DWIS (Do What It Says). Since it was Jesus' great prayer that we should all be one as he and the Father are one, I will do something significant today to promote unity among us all.