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Overcomers 3/14/21

Today we will take a look at a guy we are unfortunately similar to.  In Matt 27:1-10 we see the response of Judas to the situation he created in his betrayal.  We say “I am not like Judas!!” but in a sense we are.  Judas spent several years with Jesus and had his character flaws overwhelm him.  We committed our lives to Jesus as his disciples and yet we allow our character flaw of habitual or addictive sin to influence our lives.  But in some sense we are also like the priests in that they were hypocritical about the silver, the sin of Judas, and their response to it.  They bought a field to make themselves feel better.  It was their money to begin with, they couldn’t use it as it was now tainted by their own actions so they found a way to feel ok about it.  As we deal with habitual or addictive sin, we often justify our actions -“I am not hurting anyone” / “this isn’t that bad” / “it is only once in a while” - you fill in the blank but it is true. We allow the sin to creep back in and we do not recover but we are “working on it” but without progress.  What would have been the result if Judas had gone to Jesus and asked for forgiveness?  What if the priests had not paid Judas at all?  What would have been different in the development story of Acts?  How will your life be different if you truly discard the sin that entangles you?  How will God unfold the story of your life?  What will your life be like if you are truly available to be used by God and not held back by a sin you want to become free of?  Decide today to commit yourself to your recovery in a way that will truly glorify God!!