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Overcomers 5/22/21

Sufficient and being transformed

2 Cor3 While this lesson could be accused of taking pieces of the scripture I want to focus on several key ideas in relation to our struggle to overcome.  …”but our sufficiency is from God who has made us sufficient to be ministers of the new covenant…”.  We often look at our deficiencies and focus on our shortcomings and lose sight of God’s vision for us.  He gave us free will which we took advantage of and make mistakes but he also made us with a desire to overcome.  To recover - or we wouldn’t be here.  Paul writes of the glory of the reception of the 10 Commandments which faded over time.  If stone tables had glory - what about the Holy Spirit?  That glory has been given to us and we need to remember that as we struggle.  God’s plan is for us to overcome and represent that victory through Him to those around us.  And finally, “we all… are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another…”  This recovery we are all working on is our transformation into glory.  It is hard to keep that in mind when we are struggling but we need to help each other remember that.  When the struggle hits - reach out and give someone a chance to remind you of the glory that God.  Let our recovery be a message of hope to those who need it and are looking for - to the Glory of God