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A Thorn or A Victory

2 Cor 12:7b-10 We often wonder what Paul was like personally. In the book of Acts we see him cause riots, be assumed he was a god, be put on public trial and in Acts 18 his time in Corinth results in a public trial and a public beating of the ruler of the Synagogue. He certainly created turmoil because he spoke the word of God boldly. In our text today we see another side of Paul. He confesses he has a thorn. No one knows what it is and I believe God did that intentionally so none of us can say “well, no I don’t have that issue.” In stead we can all put ourselves in Paul’s place as we look at our struggles in our personal character and say to ourselves - “If Paul can overcome, so can I” The question is, do we work to control our thorn? Do we put in a daily effort? Do we allow it to shape us in the way God wants us to grow. I am sure that everyone of us has asked God to take this away but He does not. We need to grow in our character to control our thorn and not let it control us. We can pray for self control, to overcome our desires, to control our emotions but we need to grow. Do we want to be able to boast of a victory? We see the need to overcome growing in our culture and society here and around the world. Social media and the internet make almost everything immediately available and with an addictive personality, this makes life more difficult. Many are hiding their issues but is it possible God wants to use you to show those around you victory is possible? “My grace is sufficient for you” is as real for us today as it was for Paul. Do we consider ourselves victims or do we reflect the power of God to heal? We need to make that power as real for us as it was for Paul. Not in laying on of hands but in applying recovery to a real demon in our lives. And to God be the Glory.