Acts 11 Gentiles - More Mind Blowing Than You Knew

After the baptism of Cornelius, the Jewish Christians interrogate Peter for including "the nations" or the Gentiles in the New Covenant with Yahweh. This is a much bigger paradigm explosion than we can at first appreciate. This study looks at the first century Jewish worldview with a particular focus on the God and His Divine Council as well the Nations and their allotted "gods." 

Scriptures considered on the Divine Council: Psalm 82:1-7, Psalm 89:5-7, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, Job 38:4-7, Genesis 1:26, John 10:33-36, Jeremiah 23:18

Scriptures considered on the Nations and their gods: Deuteronomy 32:8-9, Deuteronomy 4:19-20, 1Samuel 26:17-19, 2Kings 5:17, Daniel 10:12-14, Daniel 10:20-21, Daniel 12:1, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20, 

Scriptures on the Spiritual Battle: Ephesians 2:1-3, Ephesians 3:10, 2Corinthians 10:4-5, Ephesians 6:10-12

Edward Anton
Acts 10 A Tale of Two Visions
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Acts 10 Conversion Happens

Cornelius is an impressive, pious man, but he needs to be converted. Conversion start with God, requires humility, proceeds via the Word, and ends with God. 

Edward Anton
Acts 9:32-40 Creeping Up On The Gentiles

Back to Peter in the Book of Acts as he being prepared (one step at a time) to encounter Gentiles. Peter now heads into Lydda and Joppa to heal both Aeneas and Tabitha. Oh, to be in the room where it happens!

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Edward Anton
Acts 9:20-31 A Bold Basket Case

After his baptism, Paul's life is a bit of mystery, but by piecing together his writings from Galatians 1 and 2Corinthians 11 and 12, we find a remarkable connection to Jesus. 

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Edward Anton
Acts 8:26-40 The Ethiopian Eunuch's Conversion

A "dried tree no more", this African Finance Minister finds God in a most unlikely manner and place. 

Edward Anton
Acts 8:1-25 Start Spreading the News

After Stephen's stoning scatters the believers, they first encounter Samaritans who receive the Gospel of Jesus. 

An excursus on the Holy Spirit referenced these Scriptures: John 7:38-39, John 3:3-5, Titus 3:5, Acts 2:38, Judges 15:14, 1Chronicles 12:18, Ezekiel 11:5, Psalm 51:11, 1Samuel 19:23-24

Edward Anton
Acts 7 Stephen's Last Sermon

From busboy to courageous catalyst for world missions, Stephen preaches a brilliant and bold sermon in crucible of contention, that is, the Sanhedrin. While Stephen reminds the Sanhedrin that they are "Just Like Your Fathers", he is unmistakably "Just Like Your Jesus."

Edward Anton
Acts 6:1-15 Pressure: Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone?

Acts 6:1-15 reveals a community that responds to growing pains with unity and love

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Edward Anton
Acts 10 Converted Heart
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