Genesis 25 Let's Make a Deal

After our introduction to the twins in Genesis 25, Jacob connives to secure Esau's birthright for a bowl of stew. Worst deal ever, but that's the peril of living life without the ability to delay immediate gratification. Ultimately, Jesus denied his immediate gratifications because he had a greater delayed gratification - us.

Originally posted May 29, 2017

Edward Anton
Genesis 24 How I Met Your Mother

From Israel's perspective (whether the setting is their fearful entry into the promised to battle the inhabitants or their despair while in captivity in Babylon), this is the story of how they came into being — or said another way, "How I Met Your Mother." Abraham's servant finds a bride for Isaac to continue the promises established in Genesis 12, 15, 17, and 22. As an aside, we'll also glean a lesson on finding an appropriate spouse in the Lord.

Originally posted May 27, 2017

Edward Anton
Genesis 23:1-20 God's Promised Land

Originally posted May 24, 2017

Guest User
Genesis 22 The Binding of Isaac

We struggle with God's test of Abraham (and Isaac) but marvel at God's sacrifice of His only son, whom He loves to ransom us from our self destruction. Genesis 22:1-19. Also reference Deuteronomy 12:31, James 2:20-22, Hebrews 11:17-19, Deuteronomy 10:12, Romans 8:32

Originally posted May 4, 2017

Edward Anton
Genesis 21:1-7 The Last Laugh

Originally posted Apr 26, 2017

Guest User