Please Join Us at Our 2017 Women's Day Event: HonesTea
Our featured speaker, Charley Stevenson, has been captivating women as a keynote speaker for two decades. As a young woman, she faced a difficult crossroad in life that forced her to become radically honest with herself and God. Through that lens of honesty, she saw God’s plan for her life. And now she’s passionate about helping women everywhere see God’s plan for their lives. She and her husband parent two terrific teens while they pastor a dynamic congregation in Yorktown.
“Many… from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me everything I ever did.’”
Women in Hampton Roads are served well by the Young Women’s Christian Association. They provide shelter for battered women and their children. Please consider serving them through an optional collection of items at our event: prepaid calling cards, socks, undergarments, children’s books, and wooden puzzles.