Luke 5:27-32 The Calling of Levi

Despite social taboos, Levi humbly accepts Jesus call to drop everything and follow him. Upon doing so he throws a banquet for the despised of the community. The two receive self-righteous backlash until Jesus reveals the true issue at heart: If you do not think you're sick you will not see a need for Him. 

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Luke 5:17-24 Whatever It Takes To Get You to Jesus

Four faithful men are undeterred by the throngs of disputing and deliberating Pharisees (introduced here in Luke's Gospel) who block their way to Jesus. They make every effort to get a paralyzed friend in front of Jesus. And it's a good thing. Jesus both heals the man and forgives his sins! And the bed that once carried the man is the bed that he can now carry. Make every effort to get to Jesus, the Son of Man, for full deliverance.

Edward AntonComment
Luke 5:12-16 There's No Stain or Shame Beyond Jesus' Cleansing Touch

Jesus changes the trajectory of this leper's life as he tenderly touches him, cleanses him, and restores him to his relationships. This is a powerful picture of Jesus and a powerful reminder of our cleansing by Him. 

Edward AntonComment
Luke 4:14-30 Familiar or Faithful?

Jesus begins his public ministry in his hometown of Nazareth but instead of being a good ol' hometown hero, he challenges his listeners to the very core by examining and fulfilling a scripture near and dear to their hearts, ultimately asking "Are you familiar or faithful?"

1977 Jesus of Naz synagogue.jpg
Guest UserComment
Luke 5:1-11 Falling Before Jesus and Rising to A New Purpose

"Do not be afraid, from now on you will fish for men."

We watch Peter go from Fascination to Fear to Filth to Faith as he encounters the Unblemished Holiness and Unlimited Grace of Jesus Christ.

Edward AntonComment
Luke 4:31-44 Jesus Declares War

Jesus establishes a base of operations in Capernaum where He begins a full frontal assault on evil by casting out evil spirits and preaching righteousness. As He dominates demons, it becomes evident that "even demons believe and shudder." This passage offers us an opportunity to take stock of our own faith in Jesus. A Sunday sermon by Ed Anton of Hampton Roads Church.

Edward AntonComment
Luke 4:14-31 Shaun McDonnell Sermon

Sunday sermon on Jesus before his hometown synagogue in Nazareth. 

Edward AntonComment
Luke 4:14-31 The True Messiah Demands True Faith

Jesus begins his public ministry in Luke's Gospel back in his hometown synagogue. Jesus preaches from Isaiah 61 by confirming the prophecy in himself! This lightening bolt lights up the synagogue, but not as much as Jesus' commendation of faith in a Sidonian widow and a Syrian leper.  Each expressed faith in God in such a way to inspire us today.

Edward AntonComment
Luke 4:1-13 Showdown in the Desert

Driven by the Spirit, Jesus is led out into the wilderness to face the devil, the accuser.  He sets a righteous example for us on how to overcome temptation in our lives. Armed with God's Word and what Jesus' righteousness has done for us, His victory can be our victory in the showdown's of our lives!

Edward AntonComment
Luke 3:21-4:13 A New Year, A New Adam, A New Resolve for Righteousness

Luke's Gospel now begins the pivot from John the Baptist's ministry to Jesus' ministry, beginning with His baptism and temptation. Jesus tells us that He must be baptized to "fulfill all righteousness." And so He does as He arrives as the New Adam. On this New Year, we have a New Adam and a New Resolve (the same resolve for righteousness that Jesus exhibits at both His baptism and temptation in the desert).

Edward Anton Comment