"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching."  Hebrews 10:24-25

So what is M.I.T.s? It is a gathering of women, from mom-to-be up to age 10 (including aunts and grandmothers), who come to listen to mothers, who have older children, share the wisdom they’ve gained over the years in their walk with God AND in raising kids.

Raising our children to know and love God while navigating the challenges of the world around us can be intimidating. But together, we can make this journey even more joyful and learn how to guide our amazing blessings, our children, to find their way.

Please join us for fellowship with other moms, light breakfasts, giveaways, themed crafts, amazing guest speakers, and mini group breakouts with mentors!

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Past Lessons

Our first virtual edition of M.I.T.S was a huge success! We had close to 1000 views from moms from all over (and at least one brother @DwaineBlai lol) to hear some incredible wisdom from Tess Fontenot (Women’s Ministry Leader at Sydney Church of Christ) and Kim Evens (Women's Ministry Leader at Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ).

We encourage you to get your notebook ready and ask your husbands to join you for “Building Your Life And Home On The Solid Rock” based on Matt 7:24-25.

Share your feedback and connect with other spiritually minded moms on our MITS FB Group page

HRC Kids - YouTube Channel


HRC Women - Youtube Channel

Check out our other channel at Hampton Roads Church hamptonroadschurch.com


Dr. Debra Anton shares a virtual afternoon tea talk with the women of the Roanoke Valley Church. A study on Mary Magdalene. Visit us at HamptonRoadsChurch.co...

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