Norfolk Region of HRC
Please join us in Norfolk, VA, as we serve God together. Here’s what you need to know about our fellowship, our leaders, our general (bigger group) gatherings, and our small group gatherings:
We’re not just a diverse fellowship; we’re an intimate and diverse fellowship. We know each other. We love each other. We keep trying to do better, but there’s no doubt that this church has been gathered by the Holy Spirit to serve Jesus with a deliberate devotion to discipleship and to one another.
Ministers: Ed and Deb Anton
Ed and Deb Anton currently serve as leaders of the Hampton Roads Church and chair of the American Commonwealth Region. They are also both teaching ministers on the Teachers Service Team (Ed recently served as Chairman), and they direct the Anchor Academy which has trained over 100 ministers for full time ministry. They have four children: Zach (31), Chase (28), Caleb (20), and Lindsay (19). Zach and his wife Rebekah (and new granddaughter Rose!) recently planted a new church in Cardiff, Wales. Deb also serves the community as a Family Practice Physician. Ed authored the book Repentance, A Cosmic Shift of Mind and Heart and developed the DiscipleMakers, eMANcipators, TentMakers, MeatEaters, NetMenders, and BodyBuilders programs for equipping disciples. You can check out audio of sermons on Genesis, Luke, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and John. Plus, there’s plenty of deeper teaching by both Ed and Deb at MeatEaters
Our General Gatherings
Join us at our services in Norfolk, VA
Sunday 10am for worship services:
2380 lynnhaven pkwy, virginia beach
or virtually via zoomwednesday 7pm for midweek Bible study
please check the calendar to see our updates!
Special Announcements
Children’s Ministry now available on Sundays
Small Group Bible Discussion Gatherings
The Norfolk Small Groups of Hampton Roads Church extend our fellowship throughout all neighborhoods of Norfolk including downtown, Granby Street, TCC, NSU, ODU, Wards Corner, Azalea, Wards Corner and Oceanview. We're excited for you to find one of these great fellowships of faith to encourage your growth in Christ: