Red Mill Bible Discussion Group
Please join us as we meet every other week to discuss God's Word and talk about how we apply it to life, work, marriage, parenting. Our next meeting is TBD due to COVID-19.
Small group fellowships, especially Small Group Bible Discussions, have a tremendous impact on those who participate. In these "right-sized" groups, people participate more, encourage each other more, grow in their faith, more often use their gifts, hold each other accountable, are more likely to pray for one another, find strength in hard times, establish lifelong friendships, and are much more likely to put into practice what they learn.
Plus you'll enjoy some great fellowship and food (lots of good food) and probably make a friend or two. For more information, please call or text Brad at 757.513.1480. If you are meeting in person then times and place of meetings or if you are meeting in zoom you just add to contact you for zoom info... contact Brad
If you’d like to join us for Sunday service, we are normally at Salem Middle School, at 10 a.m., but meeting online during the COVID lockdown - there’s a Hampton Roads Church YouTube channel, as well as Facebook Live.
“Do not merely listen to the Word, do what it says.”