Siku Rin Wana
Siku rin'wana hosi Yesu u ta buya.
(One of these days the Lord Jesus will come back.)
Ina I ta poketela, I ta poketela, mavoko.
(We will clap our hands with him.)
Ina I ta fama fama, I ta fama fama na Yesu.
(We will walk with him.)
Ina I ta cheena cheena, I ta cheena cheena Yesu.
(We will dance with him.)
Ina I ta yimbelela, I ta yimbelela "Hosana."
Hosana! Hosana! Hosana! Hosana!
(We will sing "Hosanna!")
“©1995 New York City Church of Christ/ Licensed for publication by River City Music, LLC Permissions for lyrics projection and songsheet duplication through CCLI ( CCLI Song #5751954
CCLI Streaming License#: CSPL161773”