Just $70 per couple for an incredible night which includes appetizers and dance. Everything kicks off on Saturday morning, May 4th with beach games held at 31st street, group dinners organized by teens, prom that night, followed by a teen lead church service on Sunday morning, May 5th at Salem Middle School. Don't miss out on this one, registration will end at 11p on Wednesday, May 1st.
Order of Events
Saturday, 10a-1p - Beach Games (ocean front, 31st Street, Virginia Beach, VA)
Limited supervision
Saturday, 7-10p - Prom, Including light appetizers and dance (1132 Pickett Rd, Norfolk, VA)
Saturday, 6:30-10p - Teen Parent BBQ (Home of Brian & Tera Hodges, 5409 Challedon drive, Virginia Beach, 23462)
PLEASE BRING: Fruit, side dish, chips or dessert to share. Call Tera Hodges with questions, (757) 343-4875)
Sunday, 10a - Teen Lead Service (Salem Middle School, 2380 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Virginia Beach, VA 23464)
Housing - IS FULL
Housing is now full. Please find hotel suggestions below.
In addition to your prom registration, please click the "housing request" button at the bottom of this page and complete the form carefully by April 29th.
Each teen requesting a place to stay must complete this form, individually.
We will make every effort to house as many teens as possible, however, supply is limited and it will be first come first serve.
Please contact Tia Heard at tjheard17@gmail.com with questions or concerns.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20, modest and pleasing to God!
Brothers should dress in semi-formal wear (no jeans), dressing to match their date (and come ready to encourage their date with a corsage).
Sisters' dresses should cover everything God would want covered. We are stressing the importance of sisters seeking advice from their parents as well as their teen leaders on the dress they choose, Proverbs 19:20.
Tips... for the BEST prom weekend ever!
Plan and protect time for some amazing prayer and time in God's word... nothing will prepare us for a holy and fun-filled weekend better than fixing our eyes on Jesus! (Luke 10:38-42)
Communicate plans...
Parents, it can be very beneficial to be in contact with the parent(s) of your teens' prom date... if you are all on the same page, it can be much easier for your teens to be on the same page.
Brothers, get advice and make plans... share your plans for rides, pictures (if applicable) and prom with your date and ask if she has any questions or ideas.
Sisters, be quick to listen and slow to speak... ask about the plans before taking charge and making them yourself.
Consider one another...
Anyone staying with a "host family," write a card, leave a small gift, give hugs and use "please" and "thank you"... share your gratitude for their hospitality and love.
Brothers, open the door for your date (including car doors). It may seem like a dated concept, but is so encouraging to a daughter of God!
Sisters, let your date open your door! It is an incredible opportunity to practice humility and gratitude.
Consider your date during the fellowship and dance... don't walk away on your own, but ask them to join you as you say hi to your friend or let loose on the dance floor. If you get up to get some dessert or tea, ask if they would like some as well.
Order corsages and boutonnieres ahead and remember to pick them up.
Conversation starters...
"What's your favorite color?" Haha! I'm kidding, but in all honesty, go to get to know your date better... who they are, what they like/dislike, what they do for fun, what they love most about God. You could leave this weekend better friends.
"What are you learning, or growing in, in your relationship with God?"
"When did you get baptized?"
"Tell me about your conversion." (Then, tell them about yours.)
"What's the bravest thing you've ever done?"
"What's your favorite hobby?"
"Do you play sports? What? Tell me about it... is it hard? How long have you played? Etc!"
Need more ideas... pray that the Spirit speaks loudly! And, invite others into your conversations... this is the easiest group date since you're literally surrounded by other disciples!
HAVE FUN!!!!!! Don't fret over doing everything right... you'll say or do something weird, but we all love God and one another, and will forget about it by Sunday!