

Just $50 per person for an incredible night which includes live entertainment, light refreshments and dance. Everything kicks off on Saturday morning, May 4th with beach games held at 31st street, prom that night, followed by a teen lead church service on Sunday morning, May 5th at Salem Middle School. Don't miss out on this one! *Please note, dinner will not be provided so we are encouraging teens to go out to dinner in groups before arriving at the aquarium.

  • Saturday, 10a-1p - Beach Games & Fellowship (ocean front, 31st Street, Virginia Beach, VA) Limited supervision

  • Saturday, 7-10p - Prom, Including light refreshments and dance (Virginia Aquarium, 717 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA)

  • Saturday, 6:30-10p - Teen Parent BBQ (Home of Brian & Tera Hodges, 5409 Challedon drive, Virginia Beach, 23462)

    • PLEASE BRING: Fruit, side dish, chips or dessert to share. Call Tera Hodges with questions, (757) 343-4875)

  • Sunday, 10a - Teen Lead Service (Salem Middle School, 2380 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Virginia Beach, VA 23464)



In addition to your prom registration, please click the "housing request" button at the bottom of this page and complete the form carefully by April 27th.

Each teen requesting housing must complete this form, individually.

We will make every effort to house as many teens as possible, however, supply is limited and it will be first come first serve.

Please contact Kelly Throne at kthrone.hamptonroads@gmail.com with questions or concerns..


1 Corinthians 6:19-20, modest and pleasing to God!

Brothers should dress in semi-formal wear (no jeans), dressing to match their date (and come ready to encourage their date with a corsage).

Sisters' dresses should cover everything God would want covered. We are stressing the importance of sisters seeking advice from their parents as well as their teen leaders on the dress they choose, Proverbs 19:20