Hello Singles! I hope you guys are excited! November 16, 2013 The HRC Singles will be hosting the Masquerade Ball! It is to bring unity, fun, and to enjoy the fact that we are no longer of the world, dead to our sin; but we are in a whole new world with our Lord! And we are his Princes and Princesses! The night will consist of food (Hors d'oeuvres) , Games, Fellowship and of course Dancing!!!! This is for senior campus ages 21 and up, Singles Minstry, and our Lovely Mature Singles !!! Its from 7pm-11pm, we strongly suggest you eat before :) So Brothers! take your sisters on dates before and have fun eating and fellowshipping! The ticket price $15 a person, and $25 a couple! we will have open registration very soon! the link will be on this page, or the church websites page, We will keep you informed on the details! :) Cant wait to see you guys!!
Dress Code: Formal
Cost of Tickets: $15 for Individuals / $25 for Couples
DJ: Westley “Dj West” Madison
Colors: Colors described in Rev 21:19-21