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Physical, Fun Friday (Ascent to Pentecost Month)

AM Option: "Some Value" Challenge: Deck of cards fitness challenge with partner. Here's how it works. You pick an exercise for each of the four suits of playing cards (for example, Hearts=jumping jacks) and the value of the card equals the reps performed. So an 8 of Hearts = 8 jumping jacks. Exercise might include sit-ups, air squats, lunges, burpees (ugh), push ups, jumping jacks, and/or squat leaps. If necessary, consult a physician beforehand (but not Deb). If you don’t already have a partner, you can enter into our HRC Zoom room 911-768-3626 at 8AM and we’ll randomly group folks in twos or threes.

PM Fun: Join in your Bible Talk's Fun event (invite a friend to join in)

Later Event: May 23
Fathers In Training (FITS)!