April 20. 2 Thessalonians 1. Corey Stuck
Increasing in Faith and Love
Faith and love were increasing in the church in Thessalonica. Paul was praising God & commending them for their growth in the midst of afflictions and opposition because of their faith. Ultimately the name of the Lord was glorified because of their perseverance.
This is the ultimate goal for our Christian lives isn’t it? To bring glory to God at all times, and in every situation, no matter what!
Too often, when we are harmed or attacked (a very relative term in the country we live in) we want to lash back and return evil for evil. We can attempt to justify this poor behavior by explaining how badly we’ve been wronged, or how much we are hurting. However, there is no faith in the decision to react in an ungodly manner. Romans 14.23b "everything that does not come from faith is sin.” There is no love in the act of retaliation. We also do nothing to glorify God when we react in this way. Sadly, because of our ungodliness, we end up turning people away from God.
Glorifying the Lord in ALL THINGS must be our mindset if we are committed to following Jesus. This doesn’t mean we allow people to walk all over us or that we ignore injustice. ABSOLUTELY NOT! We deal with all situations with faith and love, just as Jesus did, trusting that God is the greatest avenger. He will defend our cause!
God has already won the war! The end of the story has already been written! GOD WINS! Satan knows the end of the story. His desire is to take as many people down with him as possible every day because his days are numbered.
Our days as followers of Jesus are infinite! We have heaven with God for eternity to look forward to! Trying to defend or react to ungodliness on earth makes no sense when we have a heavenly perspective. It only turns people off to who Jesus is and what He stood for during his time on earth.
Let’s keep in mind having an increasing faith and love in the face of trials & afflictions so that, ultimately, God will be glorified to those around us and we will enjoy eternity in heaven with Him.