May 10. 1 Corinthians 11. Daniel Wallace

Culture, Tradition and Religious Practices

Covering The Head in Worship

This scripture really makes you think about traditions, while I was recently working and living in Kuwait for the last four years, I realized what a difference the way of living is there. In verses 5 and 6 on the subject of covering the head, most of the women there practice that way of living by wearing a hijab. From what I understand it is up to the husband to decide whether his wife and daughters are to wear that in public. which goes back to verse 3 saying the head of the woman is man (meaning her husband). Many people look at the women as wearing a Hijab as only a Muslim religious tradition, or is it? I honestly never paid attention to this particular scripture until now. Yes, over the years man has taken scripture and turned into what can benefit mankind. I can say that, though it's considered a Muslim tradition, even their prayer time is very consistent: I've seen men on their knees in public praying, including on the side of a highway road, at the mall and on a plane during flight. On verses 14 and 15 about the length of hair. I remember growing up in the ‘70's and 80's people saying that men should have short hair and women long hair, in Kuwait the citizens mostly follow that, these days in most other countries it seems like the total opposite. Do we judge those people? Or make certain comments without knowing who they really are and their hearts?  I guess my point is that there are some traditions that are still followed very strongly with dedication and other ones have changed to benefit mankind.

Abuse of The Lord's Supper

Verse 18 "when you come together as a church there are divisions among you." This is true. However, this is where we should also lay our differences and divisions down and come together as the body of Christ to help sharpen each other, pray, and fellowship! In verses 24-29 dealing with communion: we need to definitely examine ourselves on a daily basis and as for forgiveness as well, as long as we are in flesh we will sin somehow, I have seen people refuse to take communion period, for what reason I do not know, I asked another brother about that; he said if we can help it we should not refuse communion, but instead we should prepare ourselves for it and follow scriptures before taking it. In verses 31-32: we should examine ourselves daily and God will close and open doors for us that we may not understand at first. However, he knows what is best for us and will never give us more than we can handle!