August 12. Luke 3. Mitch Francisco
The Ax Is Ready
People from different walks of life were approaching John the Baptist to get baptized. However, John the Baptist called them out and referred to them as a “brood of vipers.” I personally would not appreciate being called a snake. Who knows how many miles these people traveled to be baptized? John the Baptist saw right through them, knew their intentions, and preached to them about repentance.
In verse 9 of Luke 3, John the Baptist said, “the ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” It's a scary thought, just having that visual. Sin and lack of repentance lead to destruction.
The crowd wanted to know what they should do. John the Baptist told them what they should do, like to give to others and to not collect any more than they are required. It is strange that there were no responses after John the Baptist answered each group's question. It didn't say whether they did it or not. The change must first happen within oneself. It's a change of heart and mindset that leads us to repentance. Our actions will start to show it. In our spiritual walk and when we see sin in our lives, how much do we embrace repentance?
If we were standing there right now with John the Baptist, I wonder what he would say to us if we ask him what should we do? It makes me want to reflect and see if I'm in touch with sin. It's important to have people in our lives who will hold us accountable and speak the truth in love so we can repent. Brothers and sisters, we are called to produce fruit in keeping with repentance.