Hindsight is 2020, and — thankfully — 2020 is now hindsight. As the Hampton Roads Church leans into a new year, let’s do more than survive, let’s thrive together. Let’s advance despite adversity. Let’s soar despite setbacks. And let’s deepen our love for God, His Word, His Church, and His Mission. We are a Resilient people of God. This is what we do.
So we’re trying something new in 2021. We aspire to read through the New Testament (NT ) TOGETHER (and we really mean everyone)! Let’s firm up our faith foundation on the Word, and let’s apply and share that Word together as we march into the new year shoulder to shoulder. By literally getting onto the same page, we can ALL discuss our most recent marvels in His Word. Imagine 2021 with husbands and wives in salty conversations; moms and sons in deep discussion; brothers and sisters devoted to the Word: even “Haverim” in vigorous debate over the depths of the Word. We got this! And God’s got us, so let’s go.
Read through five chapters of the New Testament
Reinforce the reading through online Zoom discussions
Sunday Sermon on a chapter from the reading that week
Small group Bible discussions
Interaction with our daily blog below (contact Sharina Mendoza if you’d like to be a contributor to the blog)
You can also download a pdf for this reading plan and the HRC 2021 Events Calendar (see button below)