23 January: Exodus 1-2, John 13, Psalm 23
Exodus 1-2
- After generations (toledeth) of deceit throughout Genesis, I enter Exodus a bit wary as I encounter the Hebrew midwives. Am I being "overly righteous"? Were they already acting on faith rather than fear by deceiving the Egyptian officials about saving the Hebrew babies?
John 13
- Jesus had full confidence/security in who he was, where he came from and where he was going. With this security, he rose from the table for this great act of humility — washing the disciples' feet.
- Does my insecurity limit my acts of humility? Do I have something to prove? I am "in Christ" so that should always be more than enough security.
Psalm 23
- Jesus is indeed the good shepherd. We are so dear to him. This is an upward call in our relationship to Jesus. Plus, it calls me higher as a shepherd who cares for God's people.