NT40 Convictions for Titus and Philemon

Here are the last of Paul's pastoral to Titus and Philemon.

One thing I learned today...

1. About God: Here's a great promise reinforced by Paul in his introduction to Titus, "in hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time" Titus 1:2. God has always —before the beginning of time itself (note that Paul doesn't say since the beginning of time)—has planned for us to have the gift of redemption for eternal life with Him.

2. About NT Christianity: The church had elders (who would be appointed by Titus and earlier by Timothy, both likely evangelists) who were husbands of one wife and whose children were believers (Titus 1:5-9). Also, older men taught younger men, and older women taught younger women (Titus 2:1-8). Self control and prudence was a common area of training "so that no one will malign the word of God" by inconsistent conduct. 

3. DWIS (Do What It Says): Grace is meant to teach us to say No to ungodliness and worldly passion and to live self-controlled upright and godly lives in this present age (Titus 2:12) while we wait for the blessed hope (the second coming). I will go after a day in which I reflect both on the grace that HAS been given to me and the glory that WILL be ours when Jesus returns. I want to live in excited tension between those two great events to promote self-controlled upright and godly living.