1st Corinthians 15:12-34 Ed Anton

As Paul continues to clarify the resurrection for the Corinthians, he attacks an errant idea that there is no resurrection of the dead (even if there is a resurrection of Jesus Christ). Such an error has serious implications. First and foremost, it undermines the reason for Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. The sermon likewise looks at the implications: 

  • If Christ Was Not Raised...
    • The Bible is Useless and its Authros are Liars
    • Our Faith is Useless and Futile
    • We are Still in our Sins
    • Dead Disciples are Actually Lost
    • We are the Most Pitiful People on Earth
  • But Jesus Did Rise, So...
    • The Resurrection will Start with Jesus and End with Us
    • Then Jesus will Destroy All Authority and Powers
  • So... Wake UP!

1st Corinthians 15:12-34 Ed Anton

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