Genesis 29 Waking Up With Leah

Like many new adventures, love interests, careers, and pursuits of self-validation, we begin with heightened expectations only to end up in settled disappointment. Such was the case for Jacob as he went to bed with Rachel but in the morning, behold, it's Leah! Genesis 29:15-30

Originally posted Jun 29, 2017

Edward Anton
Genesis 29:31-30:24 Why have you come this morning?

Originally posted Jul 6, 2017

Guest User
Genesis 29 God Cannot Be Mocked

Originally posted Jul 2, 2017

Tony Millet
Genesis 28 The Stairway to Heaven

God comes down to disrupt and exhort Jacob at his lowest point — alone, afraid, abandoned, and broke —  to show him the Kingdom and the plans for his life to bless all. Jesus likewise shows us His Kingdom and His affirmation to be with us as we walk and work with Him to bless all people. 

Originally posted Jun 18, 2017

Edward Anton
Genesis 27 Life Without

Originally posted Jun 20, 2017

Guest User