MITS - Mothers In Training
Mother’s In Training teaching series continues in 2021! Due to Covid, we will begin the year meeting virtually via ZOOM.
Mother’s In Training teaching series continues in 2021! Due to Covid, we will begin the year meeting virtually via ZOOM.
Mother’s In Training teaching series continues in 2021! Due to Covid, we will begin the year meeting virtually via ZOOM.
Mother’s In Training teaching series continues in 2021! Due to Covid, we will begin the year meeting virtually via ZOOM.
Mother’s In Training teaching series continues in 2021! Due to Covid, we will begin the year meeting virtually via ZOOM.
Mark your calendar for our WINTER meetup! Doors open at 8:15a (come get extra fellowship) and we will get started promptly at 9am. We will announce our guest speaker soon.
Cost is $5.
Childcare TBD.
Mark your calendar for our FALL meetup! Doors open at 8:15a (come get extra fellowship) and we will get started promptly at 9am. We will announce our guest speaker soon.
Cost is $5.
Childcare TBD.
Mark your calendar for our SUMMER meetup! Doors open at 8:15a (come get extra fellowship) and we will get started promptly at 9am. We will announce our guest speaker soon.
Cost is $5.
Childcare TBD.
Mark your calendar for the FIRST meetup of 2019! Doors open at 8:15a (come get extra fellowship) and we will get started promptly at 9am. We will announce our guest speaker soon.
Cost is $5.
Childcare TBD.
All mothers and fathers who regularly attend MITS and FITS are invited to come to a special, combined "MITS-FITS" on Saturday morning Jan 19, from 9-11am! Our guest speakers are Phil & Beth Bruns from Cincinnati, OH. They are faithful Christians with faithful children and are in the process of writing a book on life transitions.
Only $5/person for light refreshments. Come on out and learn how to navigate transitions in our children's lives.
Mark your calendar! Doors open at 8:15a (come get extra fellowship) and we will get started promptly at 9am. Lynley Cejas will be our amazing guest speaker.
Cost is $5.
There will be NO childcare available for this event.