January 11. Hebrews 8
Day 11: Hebrews 8
Newer Is Better by Tony Millet
Hebrews 8: Newer Is Better
At the time of this writing, Apple users claim the iPhone 12 Pro is the absolute best smartphone money can buy. 6.7” screen, Retina display, and even 5G...what a set of features. It makes the old Nokia phones obsolete (remember playing “snake”?)!
In our passage today, the Hebrew writer continues to make the point that Jesus is our Great High Priest. He expands the idea by letting us know that Jesus’ ministry is superior to that of the human high priests and that Jesus oversees a better covenant (promise) than the old covenant based on the Mosaic law.
Since mankind couldn’t hold to the old covenant with it’s many laws, God replaced it with the new covenant through Jesus.
We are blessed to have this new covenant because it’s not based on our will, skill, effort, or intellect. God himself initiated and established this covenant based on His goodness and love for us.
In this covenant God promises:
To put his laws in our minds and write them on our hearts (vs. 10)
To be our God (vs. 10)
That we will all have access to him and ‘know’ Him instead of only a select few knowing Him and needing to teach others
Complete forgiveness of our sins instead of merely ‘buying more time’
Isn’t this amazing?! It’s like upgrading to a new iPhone 12 Pro from an obsolete Nokia!
Today, in the same way that you might marvel at the design and features of a new smartphone, take time to consider the promises we have in the new covenant through Jesus Christ.
Reflect on your sins being forgiven. Let the reality of that forgiveness create gratitude in our hearts.