May 17. 2 Corinthians 1. Kaitlyn Kempston

God is Good

Throughout this chapter, Paul gives many examples of how good God is and the ways he cares for us. A few of them are that God comforts us, delivers us from troubles, and that he is wise and full of grace. He makes promises to us that he will never break. These reasons should bring us security in God, and are why we set our hearts and minds and rely on Him. (v 9-11) 

Not only do we all share in and endure suffering, we share in God's glory and comfort. We go through hard times in order to learn to trust his plan. (v 5-9) 

The fact that he does so much for us is yet another reason to share our joy and his Word with others.  

In verse 12, Paul talks about how important it is to have integrity and sincerity in our relationships with one another. What are ways we can follow Paul's example of relying on God's grace instead of worldly wisdom? How can we apply this to our relationships? 

The talents and blessings that we have are given to us by God so we can help others and glorify him. How are you sharing the gifts you’ve been given to build others up?