May 18. 2 Corinthians 2. Jordan Stuck
Forgive Those Who Cause Us Grief
Paul starts the second chapter of 2 Corinthians with saying that he won't go back to visit Corinth. Instead he wrote letters to call the people of Corinth higher so he wouldn't have to grieve. He did not want to grieve for them so he chose to write letters to show how much love he had towards the people in Corinth. He then goes on to say how there will be people in your life that cause grief. We are not called to punish those who cause us grief or pain, but we are called to forgive those who cause us grief. We are called to Christs level as disciples, full of love, kindness, and forgiveness. Christ has forgiven us for our sins so we too must forgive each other for the pain we have been through because of a brother or sister.
The reason for this is so "that Satan might not outwit us" (V. 11). We cannot allow Satan to get a foothold on us because of resentment we gain from being hurt by a brother or sister. Ephesians 4:26-27 "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." If you allow the grief someone has caused you to dwell in your hearts it will give way to bitterness and anger that will allow Satan to feed lies to you that can hurt you spiritually.
We cannot be unaware of Satan schemes against us. He is prowling around like a roaring lion! When you truly forgive those who hurt you then that bitterness will be prevented and Satan won't be able to get a hold of you! If there is someone who you have on your mind right now who might have caused you pain, talk to them about it but forgive them completely before you do!