NT Convictions for Colossians and 1st Thessalonians

After a great time with the men of HRC both last night (at ODU) and this morning at PS15 Men's group, it's time to settle down and reflect on NT Christianity from the letters to both Colossians and 1st Thessalonians.

One thing I learned today...

1. About God: Jesus took on a physical body (and yet the fullness of God dwells in him) because "he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation" Colossians 1:22. The physical is vitally important to God.

2. About NT Christianity: They both imitated and modeled Christianity for one another (see 1st Thessalonians 1:5-6, 2:14). Thus discipleship remained vibrant in the NT Church (also see Colossians1:28-2:5). 

3. DWIS (Do What It Says): Paul describes fathers as ones who are "encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory" 1st Thessalonians 2:12. I will share this with my children today and create a list of ways to encourage, comfort, and urge them.