NT40 Convictions for Mark 5-7

1. About God: The powerful and frightening demoniac (Mark 5:6), who could not be bound, runs at Jesus only to fall on his knees before him to beg for mercy. Jesus must have been an impressive figure of both power and compassion.

2. About NT Christianity: The disciples spread the good news of Jesus by "preaching that people should repent." Mk 6:12

3. DWIS: "tell them how The Lord has done for you." Mk 5:19-20. Rather than just share about church events or give driving directions to church, I will tell someone what Jesus has done for me. For he has delivered me from an empty way of life where I tried in vain to conjure up purpose, peace, significance, and character. Jesus gave me all this AND a family to cherish, friends in abundance, purity from the inside out, and hope on an epic eternal scale.

Edward AntonAct Now, DWIS, NT40Comment